Solving the Mystery: Why “list role working but create role not working” with AWS CLI for Ceph
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Solving the Mystery: Why “list role working but create role not working” with AWS CLI for Ceph

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Are you stuck in the mysterious realm of AWS CLI and Ceph, where listing roles works like a charm, but creating roles seems to be an insurmountable task? Fear not, dear reader, for we are about to embark on a thrilling adventure to unravel the secrets behind this conundrum.

Understanding the Problem

The issue at hand stems from the fact that, although you can successfully list roles using the AWS CLI, creating a new role using the same credentials and commands fails miserably. This dichotomy can be attributed to the nuances of AWS IAM and Ceph’s permission systems.

AWS IAM and Ceph: A Permission Predicament

AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) is the gatekeeper of AWS resources, governing access and permissions for users and services. Ceph, on the other hand, is a distributed storage system that relies on its own set of permissions and access controls. When working with Ceph using the AWS CLI, these two permission systems intersect, often leading to confusion and frustration.

The key to resolving this issue lies in understanding the intricacies of AWS IAM and Ceph’s permission models.

Investigating the Causes

Before we dive into the solution, let’s explore the possible causes behind this “list role working but create role not working” phenomenon:

  • Inadequate IAM Permissions: Ensure that your AWS IAM user or role has the necessary permissions to create roles in Ceph. Review your IAM policy to verify that the required actions are allowed.
  • Ceph Permissions Misconfiguration: Ceph’s permission system is separate from AWS IAM. Check that your Ceph cluster is properly configured to allow role creation.
  • AWS CLI Version or Configuration Issues: Ensure that you’re using the latest version of the AWS CLI and that your configuration files are correct.
  • Temporary Service Errors or Quotas: AWS services can experience temporary issues or quotas that might prevent role creation. Verify that the problem persists after waiting for a short period.

Troubleshooting and Solutions

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s move on to the solution. Follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the “list role working but create role not working” issue:

Step 1: Verify IAM Permissions

Review your IAM policy to ensure that the necessary permissions are granted. You can use the following command to list the policies attached to your IAM user or role:

aws iam list-attached-user-policies --user-name 
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name 

Look for policies that include the “ceph:*” or “iam:CreateRole” actions. If you don’t see these actions, attach a policy that grants the necessary permissions.

Step 2: Configure Ceph Permissions

Ensure that your Ceph cluster is properly configured to allow role creation. You can use the following command to list the current Ceph permissions:

ceph auth ls

Verify that the necessary permissions are granted to the AWS IAM user or role. If not, update the Ceph permissions accordingly.

Step 3: Update AWS CLI and Configuration

Verify that you’re using the latest version of the AWS CLI. You can check the version using:

aws --version

Update the AWS CLI to the latest version if necessary. Also, review your AWS CLI configuration files ( ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config ) to ensure that they are correctly configured.

Step 4: Validate AWS Service Status

Check the status of AWS services to ensure that there are no temporary issues or quotas preventing role creation. You can use the AWS Management Console or the AWS CLI to check the service status:

aws support describe-trusted-advisor-checks --check-id 

If you encounter any issues, wait for a short period and try again.

Creating a Role with AWS CLI for Ceph

Now that we’ve troubleshooted and resolved the issues, let’s create a role using the AWS CLI for Ceph:

Example Command

aws ceph create-role --cluster-name  --role-name  --policy-document file://path/to/policy.json

Replace with the name of your Ceph cluster, with the desired role name, and with the path to your policy document file.

Policy Document Example

Create a JSON file (e.g., policy.json) with the following contents:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowCephAccess",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "ceph:*",
      "Resource": "*"

This policy grants the necessary permissions for the role to access Ceph resources.


The “list role working but create role not working” issue with AWS CLI for Ceph can be a daunting challenge, but by understanding the intricacies of AWS IAM and Ceph’s permission systems, we can overcome it. By following the troubleshooting steps and solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to create roles successfully using the AWS CLI for Ceph.

Remember to verify IAM permissions, configure Ceph permissions, update the AWS CLI and configuration, and validate AWS service status. With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of role creation in Ceph using the AWS CLI.

Keyword Description
list role Listing roles using the AWS CLI for Ceph
create role Creating a new role using the AWS CLI for Ceph
AWS IAM AWS Identity and Access Management
Ceph Distributed storage system

By following the instructions and explanations in this article, you should be able to overcome the “list role working but create role not working” issue and successfully create roles using the AWS CLI for Ceph.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with AWS CLI for Ceph and wondering why list role is working but create role isn’t? We’ve got you covered!

Why is my AWS CLI able to list roles but not create new ones for Ceph?

This could be due to the lack of necessary permissions. Make sure your AWS CLI has the required permissions to create roles. You can check this by running the command `aws sts get-caller-identity` to see if you have the necessary credentials.

Is it possible that the issue is with the AWS CLI configuration?

Yes, it’s possible! Check your AWS CLI configuration file (~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config) to ensure that the region, endpoint, and credentials are correctly set. You can also try running the command `aws sts get-caller-identity –endpoint-url ` to see if the issue is with the endpoint URL.

Could the problem be related to the Ceph version I’m using?

It’s possible! Ceph versions prior to Luminous (12.2.x) have known issues with role creation. Make sure you’re running a compatible version of Ceph. You can check your Ceph version by running the command `ceph –version`.

What if I’ve checked all the above and still can’t create roles?

In this case, try enabling debug logging for AWS CLI by setting the environment variable `AWS_DEBUG=1`. This will provide more detailed error messages that can help you identify the issue.

Are there any specific Ceph role creation requirements I should be aware of?

Yes, when creating roles in Ceph, you need to specify the correct role name format, which is `client._`. Additionally, ensure that the role name doesn’t exceed 32 characters and only uses alphanumeric characters and underscores.

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