Do I Have to Request Approval from Microsoft Whenever I Release a Codebase Change in an MSTeams App?
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Do I Have to Request Approval from Microsoft Whenever I Release a Codebase Change in an MSTeams App?

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As an MSTeams app developer, you’re probably no stranger to the thrill of pushing out new codebase changes to your app. But, have you ever wondered if you need to get Microsoft’s stamp of approval every time you release an update? The answer might surprise you!

The Short Answer: It Depends

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s get the short answer out of the way: no, you don’t always need Microsoft’s approval to release a codebase change. However, there are certain scenarios where approval is necessary. In this article, we’ll explore when you need approval, how to request it, and what you can do to minimize the need for approval in the first place.

When Do I Need Approval?

Microsoft requires approval in the following situations:

  • New App Submission**: When you’re submitting your MSTeams app to the Microsoft Teams App Store for the first time, you’ll need to go through the approval process. This ensures your app meets Microsoft’s guidelines and doesn’t pose a security risk to users.
  • Changes to App Permissions**: If you’re updating your app’s permissions or adding new ones, you’ll need Microsoft’s approval to ensure the changes don’t compromise user data or system security.
  • Changes to App Manifest**: Modifications to your app’s manifest file, such as changes to the app’s name, description, or icon, require approval to ensure consistency and accuracy in the app store.
  • Changes to App Functionality**: If you’re making significant changes to your app’s functionality, such as adding new features or altering existing ones, Microsoft may require approval to ensure the changes don’t affect the app’s overall quality or user experience.

How Do I Request Approval?

Requesting approval from Microsoft is a relatively straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Login to Partner Center**: Head over to the Microsoft Partner Center ( and log in with your account credentials.
  2. Select Your App**: Choose the MSTeams app that requires approval from the list of apps associated with your account.
  3. Submit for Approval**: Click the “Submit for approval” button to initiate the approval process. You’ll be prompted to provide information about the changes you’ve made to your app.
  4. Wait for Review**: Microsoft will review your submission and may request additional information or clarification. Be patient, as this process can take some time.
  5. Receive Approval (or Rejection)**: If your app meets Microsoft’s guidelines, you’ll receive approval and can publish your updated app to the Teams App Store. If rejected, you’ll need to address any issues and resubmit for approval.

Minimizing the Need for Approval

While approval is sometimes necessary, there are steps you can take to minimize the need for it:

  • Follow Microsoft’s Guidelines**: Ensure your app adheres to Microsoft’s guidelines and policies to avoid common approval issues.
  • Test Thoroughly**: Rigorously test your app updates to catch any potential issues before submitting for approval.
  • Use Microsoft’s APIs Correctly**: Familiarize yourself with Microsoft’s APIs and use them correctly to avoid errors or security vulnerabilities.
  • Keep Your App Manifest Up-to-Date**: Regularly update your app manifest to reflect changes to your app, reducing the likelihood of approval issues.
  • Communicate with Microsoft**: If you’re unsure about any aspect of the approval process, don’t hesitate to reach out to Microsoft’s support team for guidance.

Code Examples and Best Practices

To illustrate how to minimize the need for approval, let’s take a look at some code examples and best practices:

// Example: Updating your app manifest to reflect changes to app permissions
  "manifestVersion": "1.0",
  "id": "your-app-id",
  "version": "1.1.0",
  "permissions": [

In the above example, we’ve updated the app manifest to include new permissions. By keeping your manifest up-to-date, you can avoid approval issues related to permission changes.

Best Practice: Use Microsoft’s API Documentation

Microsoft provides extensive API documentation to help you navigate their APIs correctly. Make sure to consult the documentation for guidance on using Microsoft’s APIs in your MSTeams app.

API Documentation
Microsoft Graph API
Bot Framework API


In conclusion, while approval from Microsoft is sometimes necessary, it’s not always required. By following Microsoft’s guidelines, testing your app updates thoroughly, and using Microsoft’s APIs correctly, you can minimize the need for approval. If you do need approval, the process is relatively straightforward, and Microsoft’s support team is available to help. Remember to keep your app manifest up-to-date, communicate with Microsoft, and follow best practices to ensure a smooth app development experience.

So, the next time you’re pushing out a codebase change, take a deep breath and remember: approval is not always necessary, but following Microsoft’s guidelines and best practices is!

Happy coding, and we’ll catch you in the next article!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Do I have to request approval from Microsoft whenever I release a codebase change in an MSTeams App?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on MSTeams App codebase changes and Microsoft approval!

Do I need to request approval from Microsoft for every single code change in my MSTeams App?

No, you don’t need to request approval for every single code change. Microsoft only requires approval for changes that affect the app’s manifest, permissions, or functionality that impacts users. So, go ahead and make those minor tweaks without worrying about approval!

What kind of changes require approval from Microsoft?

Changes that require approval include updates to the app’s manifest, adding or removing permissions, or modifying functionality that affects users, such as changing the app’s behavior or adding new features. If you’re unsure, it’s always best to check with Microsoft!

How do I request approval from Microsoft for my MSTeams App codebase changes?

You can request approval through the Microsoft Partner Center or by submitting a support ticket. Make sure to provide detailed information about the changes you’ve made and how they impact your app. Microsoft will review your submission and let you know if it meets their guidelines!

How long does it take to get approval from Microsoft for my MSTeams App codebase changes?

The review process typically takes a few days to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of your changes and the volume of submissions. Be patient, and Microsoft will get back to you with a thumbs up or some feedback to help you improve!

What happens if I don’t request approval from Microsoft for my MSTeams App codebase changes?

If you don’t request approval, your app may be removed from the MSTeams App Store or prevented from being updated. Microsoft takes app quality and user safety seriously, so it’s essential to follow their guidelines to ensure your app remains available and trustworthy!

Hope this helps!