How to Save and Retrieve a JSON directly in the Latest Version of RealmDB-Kotlin in Android during Runtime without RealmObject using RealmDB – Kotlin
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How to Save and Retrieve a JSON directly in the Latest Version of RealmDB-Kotlin in Android during Runtime without RealmObject using RealmDB – Kotlin

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RealmDB, a popular NoSQL database, has been widely used in Android app development for its ease of use, high performance, and offline-first capabilities. With the latest version of RealmDB-Kotlin, you can save and retrieve JSON data directly without having to create a RealmObject. In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that.

Why Use RealmDB-Kotlin?

RealmDB-Kotlin is a reactive, object-oriented database that allows you to easily store and manage data in your Android app. Here are some reasons why you should consider using RealmDB-Kotlin:

  • Easy to use: RealmDB-Kotlin has a simple and intuitive API that makes it easy to store and retrieve data.
  • High performance: RealmDB-Kotlin is designed for high-performance data storage and retrieval, making it suitable for complex and data-intensive apps.
  • Offline-first: RealmDB-Kotlin allows you to store data locally on the device, enabling offline data access and synchronization.
  • Real-time data synchronization: RealmDB-Kotlin provides real-time data synchronization across devices and platforms, making it ideal for collaborative and social apps.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Kotlin programming language: You should have a basic understanding of Kotlin programming language and Android app development.
  • RealmDB-Kotlin SDK: You should have the RealmDB-Kotlin SDK installed in your Android project.
  • Android Studio: You should have Android Studio set up and configured for Android app development.

Saving JSON Data to RealmDB-Kotlin

To save JSON data to RealmDB-Kotlin, you’ll need to create a Realm instance and define a schema for your JSON data. Here’s an example:

import io.realm.Realm
import io.realm.RealmConfiguration

// Create a Realm instance
val realmConfig = RealmConfiguration.Builder(this)

val realm = Realm.getInstance(realmConfig)

// Define a schema for your JSON data
val jsonSchema = """
    "_id": {"type": "string", "primary_key": true},
    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "age": {"type": "int"}

// Create a JSON object
val jsonData = """
    "_id": "123",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 30

// Save the JSON data to RealmDB-Kotlin
realm.executeTransaction { realm ->
    realm.create("MyJsonData", jsonSchema, jsonData)

In this example, we create a Realm instance and define a schema for our JSON data using a JSONSchema object. We then create a JSON object and save it to RealmDB-Kotlin using the `realm.create()` method.

Retrieving JSON Data from RealmDB-Kotlin

To retrieve JSON data from RealmDB-Kotlin, you can use the `realm.get()` method and specify the type and ID of the data you want to retrieve. Here’s an example:

// Retrieve the JSON data from RealmDB-Kotlin
realm.executeTransaction { realm ->
    val jsonData = realm.get("MyJsonData", "_id", "123")
    if (jsonData != null) {
        Log.d("RealmDB", " Retrieved JSON data: $jsonData")
    } else {
        Log.d("RealmDB", "No JSON data found")

In this example, we use the `realm.get()` method to retrieve the JSON data with the ID “123” from the “MyJsonData” collection. We then log the retrieved data to the console.

Querying JSON Data in RealmDB-Kotlin

RealmDB-Kotlin provides a powerful query API that allows you to query your JSON data based on various criteria. Here’s an example:

// Query the JSON data in RealmDB-Kotlin
realm.executeTransaction { realm ->
    val results = realm.where("MyJsonData")
        .equalTo("age", 30)

    results.forEach { json ->
        Log.d("RealmDB", " Retrieved JSON data: $json")

In this example, we use the `realm.where()` method to specify the collection and the criteria for the query. We then use the `equalTo()` method to specify the condition for the query, and finally, we use the `findAll()` method to retrieve the results.

Updating JSON Data in RealmDB-Kotlin

To update JSON data in RealmDB-Kotlin, you can use the `realm.update()` method and specify the ID of the data you want to update. Here’s an example:

// Update the JSON data in RealmDB-Kotlin
realm.executeTransaction { realm ->
    val jsonData = realm.get("MyJsonData", "_id", "123")
    if (jsonData != null) {
        jsonData.put("age", 31)

In this example, we retrieve the JSON data with the ID “123” and update the “age” field to 31. We then use the `realm.update()` method to save the updated data to RealmDB-Kotlin.

Deleting JSON Data from RealmDB-Kotlin

To delete JSON data from RealmDB-Kotlin, you can use the `realm.delete()` method and specify the ID of the data you want to delete. Here’s an example:

// Delete the JSON data from RealmDB-Kotlin
realm.executeTransaction { realm ->
    val jsonData = realm.get("MyJsonData", "_id", "123")
    if (jsonData != null) {

In this example, we retrieve the JSON data with the ID “123” and use the `realm.delete()` method to delete the data from RealmDB-Kotlin.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to save and retrieve JSON data directly in the latest version of RealmDB-Kotlin in Android during runtime without RealmObject using RealmDB-Kotlin. We’ve also covered querying, updating, and deleting JSON data in RealmDB-Kotlin.

RealmDB-Kotlin provides a powerful and flexible way to store and manage JSON data in your Android app. With its ease of use, high performance, and offline-first capabilities, RealmDB-Kotlin is an ideal choice for building complex and data-intensive apps.

We hope this article has been helpful in getting you started with using RealmDB-Kotlin in your Android app development. Happy coding!

Method Description
realm.create() Creates a new JSON object in RealmDB-Kotlin
realm.get() Retrieves a JSON object from RealmDB-Kotlin by ID
realm.where() Specifies the collection and criteria for a query
equalTo() Specifies a condition for a query
findAll() Retrieves the results of a query
realm.update() Updates a JSON object in RealmDB-Kotlin
realm.delete() Deletes a JSON object from RealmDB-Kotlin

Note: This article is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to saving and retrieving JSON data directly in the latest version of RealmDB-Kotlin in Android during runtime without RealmObject using RealmDB-Kotlin. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information provided, it is not intended to be used as a substitute for official documentation or professional advice.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of RealmDB in Kotlin and master the art of saving and retrieving JSON data during runtime!

How do I prepare my JSON data for saving in RealmDB?

To prepare your JSON data for saving in RealmDB, simply convert your JSON object to a ByteArray using the `jsonString.toByteArray()` method. This will allow you to store your JSON data as a binary data type in RealmDB.

What is the best way to save a JSON ByteArray to RealmDB?

To save a JSON ByteArray to RealmDB, use the `realm.executeTransaction` block and create a new instance of the `RealmBinary` class, passing your ByteArray as an argument. Then, use the `realm.insert` method to save the binary data to the RealmDB.

How do I retrieve a JSON ByteArray from RealmDB?

To retrieve a JSON ByteArray from RealmDB, use the `realm.where` method to query for the desired data, and then use the `findFirst` method to retrieve the `RealmBinary` object. Finally, use the `` property to access the ByteArray, which you can then convert back to a JSON object using the `ByteArray.toJsonString()` method.

Can I use a custom class instead of RealmBinary to store my JSON data?

Yes, you can use a custom class to store your JSON data. Simply create a Kotlin data class with a single field of type ByteArray, and use this class as the Realm model. This will allow you to store and retrieve your JSON data using your custom class.

Are there any performance considerations when saving and retrieving JSON data in RealmDB?

Yes, when saving and retrieving large JSON datasets in RealmDB, performance can be a concern. To mitigate this, consider using Realm’s built-in caching mechanism and optimizing your JSON data structure to minimize storage size. Additionally, use Realm’s async API to perform database operations on a background thread, ensuring a smooth user experience.